What the Program Offers

We know that the media industry is ever evolving and that there are shifts currently occurring with the way we consume digital content and media. In response to this, Oxygen College has decided to create and deliver a new full time program in 2018.

The two-year Digital Content Creation program comprises of CUA31115 Certificate III in Visual Arts and CUA41215 Certificate IV in Screen and Media in the first year and a CUA51015 Diploma of Screen and Media in the second year. The innovative program will deliver the skills needed to generate all forms of digital content – video, photography, graphics and audio.

As part of the two-year course, students will investigate micro business opportunities, capture images in response to a brief and learn skills to capture, edit and complete video, sound and graphic content from the ground up. A key element to these skills is making sure they are applicable to web social media channels – which is fundamental way that modern business communicates with their customers. Students will undertake many projects, learning the skills necessary to work to a brief, which in turn prepares them for the realities of working directly for clients.


The New Media Industry

The media industry as we know it is in flux; shifting away from a focus on traditional formats such as print, radio and television towards web and social media

With changes in the way media and direction marketing money is spent, it means new jobs are being created to keep up with the fast-paced 24/7 nature of social media channels. Where campaigns used to be once or twice a year, they are now hourly and daily, feeding the beast of the online world.

“Marketing teams once upon a time, like at big car companies and football clubs, consisted of a team of people and you would storyboard a big campaign of ideas – once a year you did a campaign and you delivered it to the public and put all your eggs in one basket with a message or moto,” student admissions officer Luke McNamara says.

“Those teams and jobs still very much exist, but now, in addition to that – media is becoming more about Facebook, Instagram and tidbit style, day to day information. There’s a big need for that material to be constantly generated.”

More than ever, businesses are looking for innovative digital media content generators to carry their business forward online and it offers a growing and diverse range of employment opportunities.

The change in media is not only offering full time work opportunities, but has also seen a shift toward what is called the “gig economy”, which means new roles are being shifted to contracting, short-term positions.

With the need for constant content and the changing nature of employment in the industry, it opens the doors for freelancers and contractors with skills in social media, photography and graphic design. Most businesses are on social media and needing to fill their quota of content and quality communication with customers. So from big business to the café next door to your local gym, there’s a very good chance you will be able to offer a unique set of skills to their business.


On Completion of the Program 

With the skills achieved through the Digital Content Creation program, students can look to potential careers as a digital concept developer, digital content producer, social media manager, web designer, photographer, digital media manager, advertising content creator, film maker or graphic designer.

The unique skill set delivered by the course enables students to work autonomously for themselves with their own clients or to apply for full and part time positions sought by companies within these roles.


Who Should Apply?

The program is suitable to anyone with an interest in screen and media, film, photography, social media, videography, but ultimately, the digital world. People who are willing to adapt to the changing landscape of the creative industries are strongly encouraged to apply.

It is an entry level course and year 12 is not required. We are looking for people showing passion and commitment to the course with a spark for creative inspiration.


Important Details

Oxygen College is a Registered Training Organisation that offers Nationally Recognised Qualifications. Skills First government funding and VET Student Loans are available to eligible applicants.

The program commences at the start of February 2018.

Classes run for two and a half days a week on Wednesday and Friday (9am – 4pm) and Thursday (9am-12pm).

If you are interested in our Digital Content Creation program please call 1300 195 303

