Please introduce yourself?
I was Born in Rotorua, New Zealand and then I migrated to Brisbane at the age of 5. I moved home another twenty or so times before settling in Geelong, Australia. I am now a 26-year-old innovator aspiring to concrete myself within my creative lane of music, singer / songwriter. I am Tiaki.
How would you describe the genre of music you play?
It’s hard to blanket my genre, but I feel I have a bit of a hybrid style. I bring the feel good of reggae, wrapped in rhythm blues/soul, but the stylistic characteristics of rap/ hip hop within my lyrics.
Can you tell us about your musical journey to this point, when did you start performing etc?
Being born a Maori in New Zealand, music/ dance has been in my face since I was young. It is our culture, our roots and our pastimes. Being my own hardest critic / a perfectionist I’ve lagged on putting myself out there. until I felt I’ve somewhat neared a certain level of my craft. So for me, music has always been my refuge, rather than a show. Although, it now feels like time to take the stage.
As an artist, what is your biggest strength? And what is something you need to improve?
Versatility, being able to adapt whilst keeping my spin on music. Which comes from growing up forced to listen to so much different styles of music. Courtesy of my father, mother and brother.
Learning music originally by ear and I feel lack in the composition and theory side of music.
Do you write your own music, tell us about your writing process? Where, when, with what?
I do write my own music, it can manifest from memories, witnessing something moving, or just a simple noticed phrase. I like to drip feed you parts throughout my songs, but do it in a sort of cryptic style. Sometimes focusing on an object to describe a scene, and letting the listener make sense of it, rather than telling them, how it is. Enjoy delivering the lyrics with style and rhyme patterns similar to rap, but keeping a story telling aspect.
Name one person in your life that shaped your musical interests and influences and describe how so?
Would have to be my father, my home was never quiet if he was around. every day / night he would have his tape cassettes playing… From reggae, funk to power ballad covers, and even hip hop. He would tap a drum beat on the steering wheel while rolling a smoke, sing over any song and rewind song parts countless times just so I understood what he could hear. I’ll never forget every Saturday morning id have to sit there with my finger hovering over of the VCR remote, waiting to record lists of songs he had jotted down that he would want us to hear again.
You can colab with one musician dead or alive, who is it?
Dead, Bob Marley. To collab and just to try understand the way he thinks.
Finish this paragraph ‘In an ideal world in 10 years I am……
A brand. A fulltime performer and have written for many other artists. To have merchandise. To be recognized for who Tiaki really is. Whilst staying humble and remaining the real me.
Anything else?
Buy my music when it comes out ay.
Tiaki is a student in our Artist Development Program. If you are a musician and would like all the tools, teaching and mentoring to get the most out of your musicianship, enquire with the College today about our 2018 intake.
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