Enrolment Application

Welcome to our enrolment application page. Fill out the blank spaces below with your information. Once you have submitted this application, one of our college representatives will be in touch with you.

  Please note that this does not guarantee a spot in the course you have selected, you will still need to go through the application process with one of our Oxygen College enrolment officers.

Make sure you check out the individual courses page, whether it is the part-time or full-time course you are looking for. The course page has detailed information about each course and what we are looking for. Additionally, if you scroll down on each course page, there is a handbook for each course that we offer. The course guides give more information and adds in any relevant information which is important to the course.




If you have any questions or would like more information about the application process for our courses, please phone us on 1300 195 303 or contact us here.
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